

Big Grass offers Black bear hunts in Central Manitoba with 2001-2014 success rates as high as 95% and 15% of those bears with skull scores over 19 inches and a HIGH 55 % color phase harvest during these past seasons. Some of our baits have over 25 years of history of COLOURED bears.

Our Fall area is NOT hunted in spring and Spring are NOT hunted in Fall but baits are filled. Some baits are not hunted for 4 years but are kept baited as a result, it is not unusual to find a bear that weighs in the 225-600 lbs. All stands with ladder access are placed for bow hunters with distances of 18-22 yds and for rifle hunters approx 22- 50 yds with elevations of 12-15 ft.

We take pride in our guiding staff-experience and knowledge of the area combined with the dedication to offer clients a hunt second to none. Use of top of the line equipment, including quads and 4x4s which can be valuable in the most inclement conditions and roughest terrain, will help to make your experience in Manitoba one to remember and tell others. We all make a positive attempt to ensure your safety, comfort and enjoyment during the hunt, while Mother Nature is in complete control of the weather and her environment.


Manitoba’s Prairie Pothole region continue to produce large numbers of waterfowl. The steady increase of migrating ducks and geese can be attributed to late springs and high water levels in the region. Canada geese, snows and blues- as well as over 15 different species ducks –continue to use this flyway as they head south to over the winter.

Tom Usunier and his staff have the knowledge, calling talent and experience in snow goose spreads that will challenge your shooting expertise.Judy the scout and photographer growing up in the area gives her the knowledge for the spreads. Field hunting in the morning is primarily snow geese with afternoons geared to hunting ducks. Decoy sets with full- and half-body , flyers and windsocks, combined with the concealment of the Pro Guide Final Approach Blinds, aid in pulling the birds in for a quality hunt that is both challenging and fun. Our top-of-the-line equipment continues to play a large part in the comfort and success of the hunt.