Big Grass Outfitters offers some of the best Manitoba waterfowl hunting adventures. We are located in Manitoba’s Prairie Pothole region which continues to produce large numbers of waterfowl and excellent hunting opportunities. The steady increase of migrating ducks and geese can be attributed to late springs and high water levels in the region. Canada geese, snow geese and blue geese, as well as over 15 different species ducks, continue to use this flyway as they head south to over the winter.
Tom Usunier and his staff have the knowledge, calling talent and experience in snow goose spreads that will challenge your shooting expertise. Judy, the scout and photographer, grew up in the area which gives her the knowledge for the spreads. Field hunting in the morning is primarily snow geese with afternoons geared to hunting ducks. Decoy sets with full and half-body decoys, flyers and windsocks, combined with the concealment of the Pro Guide Final Approach Blinds aid in pulling the birds in for a quality hunt that is both challenging and fun. Our top-of-the-line equipment continues to play a large part in the comfort and success of your hunt.
If you’re looking for some of the best waterfowl hunting in Manitoba, including world class goose and duck hunting, look no further than Big Grass Outfitters.