Upland Bird hunting

Big Grass hunting, working the dogs

Casey in the center is the novice here while marking grouse, squirrels and even Judy who is standing at end of woods camera ready when he comes out of the thick undergrowth… Maggie is wondering what the devel that youngn is lookn at.. While Duck and goose hunting Ken likes to work his other dogs for the hunt in South Dakota on pheasants on his return home to Alabama.. Missy is his legend of duck and goose hunting but also works with the others on uplands..

Sweet Potato Casserole for dinner tonite

Betty travels with Ken and the dogs to Manitoba.. while at Big Grass Betty creates some taste sweet potato casserole. Seems like a regular treat while in camp and even this year she brought Judy the recipe..While Ken and Missy are in the field Betty scouts for birds with Judy and sometimes they go from a “Hero to a goat and then the next time they just continue being a HERO… For back up they usually take a photo of the birds in the field for proof…

2011 Spring bear Bait prep

Big Grass Spring bear hunting in Manitoba starts in April however behind the scenes prep is all year long.. With harvest done Grant  local farmer  brings us 300 bushels of oats to place in barrels for bear bait.. Tom and him set up the auger and put it in the bin so we can fill barrels later when hunting is over.

Big Grass Duck hunting

Ken and Missy return for ducks and geese.. Weather has changed, cold with rain and snow in the forecast for the rest of the week. Limits of ducks, canadas and some good snow shooting.

Canadian Goose hunting with Big Grass

Ken Golden returns for his 10th year with Big Grass for some shooting of Canadians…5 bird limit for Ken and 8 shells shot.. Tim and Tyler back Ken up but thier shell per bird do not compare to Kens.