Spring bear poses

dean12014 this bear was doing the photo shoot for most relaxed at the bear bait..

Easter Rabbit in Manitoba

rabbitSnow is going, rabbits are showing, and they are turninng color..

Manitoba Spring Run off

4springMelting snow , rising creeks and rivers, Beavers are on the move.. Trappers are out, setting traps for bounty tails, and stop the dams from flooding in the area. Beavers are great little contractors building dams faster than man can remover them.

Spring bear bait

6springBeaver for bear bait Rocks. local trapper bringing the carcass. fur is not worth much but tail is used as bounty.

Truck driving patience

5springTom drives truck in his off time so here we go over a hill near Lustre Montana, and scattered over road is a herd of cattle not thinking to move off the path.. 5 miles lataer they are moved along another road off the main drag… You never know what you might come across.