945 pm May 9 Eugene Reddin Tn. 5 ft black

black bear hunting in ManitobaEugene old time friend of the Gellers comes to Manitoba for a bear hunt.. John Geller said “if you wanted to see a br this was the place to come”.. wet roads, rain and then we were in Manitoba the Big Grass Outcamp.. in the stand by 430  weather cool and windy and  there was I was to sit.. time passed fast and first things Gene knew a movement and the left a movement and then it was on the right “Oh my sure hope it does not come up to the stand to visit me, all those storys of cubs comin to the tree above my head are ringing in my head”.  The bear turns and goes to the bait. Gene pulls the trigger the bear goes down and He has a Manitoba trophy…Warren arrives just at dark and Oh better go for a trailer, Gene you stay here and I will be right back… however minutes turn in to hours , batterys run dead on the light so I replaced them.. No sounds but it is really errie to sit here without a light..and 1 am He returns , quads swamped in the water we get the bear out through the swamp and off we go to the others standing in waist deep cold water trying to get quads started..  That nite we leave 2 quads and get safely to the truck where other hunters are standing around a hot fire talking of the evenings hunt.. Guides are wet and cold but they are safe and we travel home to supper…No telling how they will get those bikes out of that mess.