Marlin Jammin Dave arrives in Manitoba with his 450 Marlin thinking of huge Bruins. At 7 he is patiently waiting and out walks this nice shinny black 5 ft. and he places the cross hairs to the shoulder and brings the bear to the ground just 10 ft from barrel. Then he relaxes and waits for Judy to arrive. Out of nowhere comes another black and then a huge brown, and another . Wow his heart is pounding. Then he looks to his left and here is anther choc standing just 10 ft from stand looking at him, he grabs the 450 just incase the visitor comes closer but the bear turns and leaves. Judy arrives shortly and the bear is taken to the pole to hang. “Out of nowhere they came you could not hear them. 5 bear Wow what a hunt!. I hope Davey Wayne is lucky tonite too.” Dave says as wait patiently for rest of crew to get in for hte night.