Retreiving ducks

Tom takes a walk to get a sailing duck and Bailey has no problem getting it out of the dugout just over the hill .

14.5 lb honker

Tom weighs this big HOnker in early season. 14.5 lbs on the scale.

Honkers in the Snow

1 short of 3 limits of Honkers. These guys have endured the Manitoba weather today. Pouring rain this
am and then 1 hour ago you could not see 200 yeds. But the birds did want in here and that was good.

Snowy decoys Oct 13

Dave come on get that snow off the decoys the geese cannot see them. Judy I think this weather is the PITS

Tenvoordes on SNows in the RAIN

Hunting in pouring rain, getting very wet, but it was well worth it. Dave, Mike and Brian missed last year
but made up for this year. Way to go guys

Good goose hunting

Morning goose hunting with good shots and limits of Birds.

Brook Yanke on Snows

Girls are so very photogenic. It is so much fun to do some good shots and Brook works well.

Snows and Canadas Oct 17,08

Brook, Scott, JErry and Jason set up with a mixed set of snows and canadas for an afternoon hunt
and Wow. Brook and Scott nearly ran out of shells, they were laughing so much, Brook did not even have
time to turn the heater on in her blind.  Way to go!!!

Vortex Rotating Spinning Wing System

Just look at those birds on the ground.  We used the Vortex motion decoy system with great success
Not always does it work and it takes much setup but it was well worth it today.

Full Body Big Foots

Can you tell the difference between the full body Big Foots with Flocked heads and the 2 live
birds in the background? You can hardly tell the difference.