Colored hair

HEre we have some light colored heair on one of the barrels at a bait site. You never know what you might need to take a photo of.

Fire pit humour

85 degrees int he daytime and evening cols off to need a hoody. We just finished dinner here and now this is where the stories begin. Adam, Ailius Dufus and Funnel D has no end of ideas on blowing up stuff or plans for  stirring things in camp. NO grass grows around that one.

Wheel chair hunt

JEff hunted from this  enclosed stand with wheels last fall now he is returning for the fall bear hunt here Tom is tgurning it from white to dark green to fit in woods a little better.  It has a ramp for access and windows at right level even Oh Sh** handles to hold on if we need to go for a ride.

Ready for the Hunt

Ok we are dressed and ready to go. Josh is filling the guys from the west full of sh ** . This week starts with many stories laughing and busting one another.   YOu do not turn you back or do anything silly as someone will catch you at a weak moment.

Monday Am gopher shooting

Blasting, missing laughing, and many empty cartriges was the morning before we went hunting on MOnday. LOng shots, close shots and then the Buffalo dung got blasted when the gophers figured out to keep thier heads below the ground or they would be Dead!!  HEre Josh, and Adam lay out to get some good far shots while JEff shoots from the truck door.

MEat scraps

Tom and Warren picked up a load of meat scraps for baiting. Now it must be unloaded and put in freezers.