Big Grass Modelling

This little girl is one of our first upcoming models. Josh Ganske hunted with us in fall bear an now we might have a contestant for Miss America in 200?? All she need is one of Judys Pink camo hats and she is a Winner!!

Whitetail feeding

Just north of the lodge the local deer are feeding on some Canola swaths still in the field. High protein of the canola gives the deer high energy when temps are in -30F digits.

-30F cold morning in Manitoba

Temps dropping to -40F with a wind chill and the smokefrom the Ethonal plant shows bright in the sky.

7;15 am No flash on!!!

tom told me when I left truck if he saw a camera flash at daylight we would be going home. Sunrise in the deer stand is awesome, deer grazing across the field,  coyotes start to yipping in the distance, deer heads go up  and become allert. yipping gets closer. Does flag and move together across the field tothe woods. Darn coyotes are really causing these deer to be nervous.

Nov 27,09 5am to the hunting area

We decided to head tothe hunting area taking advantage of warm temps but Rut full blown. Bucks had been chasing for last couple of days at the lodge

“Burgie” Ken Burglund Dec 9,2009

 I am sad to have to share with you an email from Doug McDougal of NAHC..  Ken (Burgie) Burglund died last night after a long term illness with kidney failure.  Ken was a great friend of fish and wildlife and an avid hunter and angler.  His son, Steve, shared with Doug that he was with Ken last spring in SD when Ken shot his last wild turkey.  Ken was a Life Member (#281) of Wildlife Forever as well as Life Members of the North American Hunting Club and the North American Fishing Club. 


A photo  took of Ken during one of his finest and happiest times, working for the wild turkey.  He and a friend were together on a very cold Minnesota morning (similar to this morning) to release wild turkeys into Carver County.  Having hunted with Ken and having worked on conservation projects together, I know he will be missed.

Burgie hunted many times with Big Grass with many friends, one year with his son STeve, and grand sons, and the last year in 2007 with Steve. Tom and I have many fond memorys of Burgie watching the flocks of snows, and ducks over the years


Manitoba whitetail head night

Judy went out to score some local heads at a nearby trophy nite after the deer season was over. 21 heads showed up from locals,  largest head sitting front left was  207 2/8 non-typical and a 171 typical. 2 ladies had nice heads at the compitiion this year.
The most common statement at the head night was NO SNOW and temps too warm. Even pushing bush the deer would not move. With No baiting in Manitoba and Temps not in the minus Fahrenheit it is a challenge to get deer to get out of their beds to go to feed.

Nov 27 Canadas still in Manitoba

Just before dark geese are lifting to go back to water. With unusual warm temps at this time of year, with no snow covering their food these big honkers are still staying here in Manitoba. Lots of ducks also still feeding hard on cereal fields in the area. But they dont come off water very early in the Morning.