Nature calls

Everyone set up for a duck hunt and off Larry goes to the tree line. How far was it ? What was in that coffee Judy gave him?

Shives on HONkers Oct 26

Mike and Paul are amazed at the size of these huge honkers. Back in Pa they shoot lessers much smaller birds thatn here in Canada. But one hunter told me “” Everything is Bigger in Canada even signs of deer crossings”” NO that is a good story dont you think??

Greaters and Cacklers

Just look at the difference in size of these birds. A Greater Canadian weighing anywhere form 12-18 lbs this year the average size was 13.5lbs. The birds were not in great whape while we were hunting. The cacklers weighing anywhere from 2-4 lbs with no extra fat on them not much bigger than a NOrhtern Mallard..

Shives on snows Oct 27

Pouring rain, fog and a bunch of shell. then as we are pulling hte decoys the flock comes. But they put in enough time. These fellows were looking for a good snow shoot but because of Mid oct snow , snows had left.  There was a large flock of Cacklers on this field day before so that is what they were trying for. but weather was a bummer  TIM shot his first eagle had.

Ducks over water

Widgeons, teal, shovelers, gadwalls these birds are just a few Mike and Paul have never shot.  The Marketing pond did a good job even after it was froze over once already.

Paul Shive in the duck pond

After the hunt decoys out of the water, Paul takes the Robo duck up to the truck.  Bailey had retrieved the ducks in the water today

Decoys on Marketing pond

MIke puts out the robo ducks for the duck hunt on the Marketing pond. These guys are looking for some specific speices of ducks. widgeon, teals, gadwalls would top the list .

JIm and Chris of Wis.

JIm and Chris cannot believe hunting in this much snow. HEre Jims dog is in the blind with him. Kind of makes a nice heater.

Big Grass ducks

Here is Judy with the birds she claims as she shot both Widgeons on a nicely plumbed drake.