Shooting range

Dave came with his muzzleloader this time. Weather is to be raining which it is spitting right now. Dave what is on the barrel of your muzzleloader? A hat for a muzzleloader !!!

Ohio hunters

Tom, Brian, Ray, Dave and Brad and Brett arrive  to hunt bear. Well enough said for now we will wait to see how week goes as there could be a few fluffed stories before week is finished. But main focus is for Brian AKA Mikey to see a bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gifts from TExas

Texas, Big Grass
Finally a nice afternoon to enjoy a good cigar. Terry and Virgil  brought these from Texas as a gift for Tom along with some great meat rubs and seasonings.

Pressure washing the equipment

700 grizzly
Every week or even after every day of baitng we do a washdown of the bikes. This give us an opportunity to see if boots are cut, Always is nice to get into a kind of clean vehicle and with pouring rain the mud gets pretty thick on the trucks and quads.

Outdooredge Butcher set

Outdoor Edge
Now this is an awesome kit for after you have an animal down, briscut splitter, fillet knife, skinning knife. saw , this is something every hunter needs. Outdoor Edge knives is a sponsor of Away Hunting products. tom has used these knives prior to Bob arriving for 3 years now. He has  had the swing blade using id for the center cut when skinning any animal.

Big Grass Spring Bear Outcamp

Big Grass Bear hunting
Well look at this a post with flagging tape. Now who did not see this when they came to camp. Yes I know it was supposed to be green but Wow beggars cannot be choosers. One problem was first week post was layig in ditch and the Texans found on their way back down the road. They saw the checkerboard sign also but thought it should have been a STOP sign.

Brady Parker Mi. 6 ft May 7

5th trip 4 nights in the stand and NO BEAR for a photo. Now pressure is on. Brady is sure he is doing something wrong this trip, as we go to the stand I said Just go and enjoy yourself relax and let it happen. And wow it did. As I was leaving the site I see some movement and there is a small boobo coming down the quad trail I whisltles to Brady and he looks to the left. The little bear sits on the side of the trail as I leave the site. And in minutes it arrives to barrels filling his face on the piefilling and does the spread eagle doing that. then he continues to pull meat out and eat piece by piece. After 1.5 he leaves and then back for another little snack about 7pm. the Woods go quiet and Brady sits and waits. Tnen 925pm  out of nowhere there is a bear at the bait Now that is a shooter. Up with the Benilli shot gun and Brady pulls the trigger the bear rolls butdoes not lay Brady give shim one more but th inks it is a Hail Mary but Tom did say to shoot till it stops moving. Radio on and Judy answers and truck noice leaves. So brady decides to walk out on the trail. Wow which way did we come in on. Hope this is the one, he meets Judy and guys with Truck and quad. Buddy Dan, and BArry are there also. Judy and Brady go to look for blood trail and Judy decides to wait till Tom and guys get in to look again. 1130 back in bush to find bear but so many trails and so dark it is rally hard to make anyheadway. 7am we will get up and go to get him in lite.  930 they are back with this awesome 6fter. Not sure what size skull is but he does have a bucket on him. Way to go Brady………. A Bear for a photo and a story to go with.

Royce does antoher FIRST

Do you think I might drive the Quad I have never had the opportunity to do that before? Well in spring bear camp if you have never driven a quad Wow!! So we had a hunter close to camp and Royce followed me to the bait are qith truck and then he drove the quad home for me. Nice treaet me riding in truck and Wow the look on his face when we got home was Cool.  Way to go Royce Glad we could give you a chance.

Royce gets his rooky training

Thank you so much Royce for washing up all the big pile of dishes after lunch and then he mopped the floor in the kitchen also. Way to go.  Now I was to get supper made and I think it is Banana and Choc Cream Pie for dessert so must get busy.

Bear skinning shed

Ron, Royce, and Barry gather while John and WArren are skinning Royces Bear. Lots of stories are told here and they all say what is said in Bear camp Stays in Bear camp.