First supper at Big Grass Outcamp

imageJohn arrives to camp, we were set up for the hunters, baits are being hit hard.. Hunters to arrive at 2.!! Wooee Bear hunting in Manitoba

A Manitoba Fixer upper!

image image imageJustin Toms son and Girlfriend are assisting in the baiting this spring, while out in the woods we came across a older house, they thought it would be a fixer upper, Des started collecting her set of pots and pan.

Residents PUT BACK into the Resiurce

imageLocal Game and Fish hold a fundraiser to assist Province with surveys, and create a shooting lane in area to site guns??  A great night of auctions raffles, fine dining , laughs, and great prizes.

Bear Baiting in Manitoba

imagebeaver carcasses make a great bait at the bait site. We try to access them from trappers!