Our friend Jason who lives in California sends a few pics of his hunting… Who would thing this was hunting season with temps in the 75F, Good goose hunting is always 40F its hard to understand location and seasons. Worst thing is the south gets all these good plummed birds and awesome colors and we see the poor off colored ones but they still make good jerky and are a whale of a time of whackin and stacking… our season runs end of September threw till 21 of October is when Big Grass is in the field doing our thing..
Chessy Male retreiver and guard and Family.
For sale: Chessy Pups, pure bred Mom from Bylo Farms Sask. Male out of Hickory Creek Kennels Oklahoma.
6 females unsold 2 males are sold.
Sitting in the Rain in Manitoba
Nick is definition of a good hunter. Pouring rain 2 nights sitting in a tree stand which is not ground height as his wife had thought.. but physio climbing was great for a cracked shoulder. He passed on many bear and took a few walleye, has memories to reminisce of a Black bear hunt in Manitoba.
Colorphase bears in Manitoba at Big Grass Outfitters
HE said only One!
Well his 4th trip and he gets the Color phase he was wanting 2 years ago. 7pm May 28 with his Hoyt in hand, and Rage Broad heads he nails this trophy while standing in the stand in Manitoba. Jeff has done the time and has taken good bears while hunting with Big Grass. Hes passed on some took a good bear to then watch a monster come in later.
Does he need any more?
Not likely but once you have harvested one Bear it is like a disease you want to harvest another. When you are not in the stand and time allows we take time to sit at the Lake of the Prairies to do some fishing.. Here he pulled in a Northern Pike on Johns Rod and even smiled for the picture.
Activity at the baits weas good Old fuzzy butt attended regularly filling his belly on Big Grass Oats and Grease and the tastey beaver bait. We hope he gains lots of weight so someone can see him this fall.
2018 Spring black bear in Manitoba coming soon!
Are you bear hunting this spring?
Big Grass feels good baiting practices make Good Spring Bear hunts. Barrels with the stable food of Oats and Grease, then the best bear food is Beaver. We place in a barrel with logs or a lid screwed on to give hunter opportunity to determine 1. shooter, 2. good shot, 3. dead bear.
George harvested a great bear after watching him for 2 nights seeing many smaller bear feeding at the barrel. It makes the hair stand on you neck when a large bruin enters the bait, with the slow hesitant walk, like a ghost in the nite. All of a sudden he is there! George hear a snap then he was there the first nite.
Beavers is a source of bear food.
What do you think is a Bears favorite food?
Well in Manitoba Spring bear hunting, Beaver parts, carcass, not the hide but the body and internals is high protein. After a long winter they come out of hybernation hungry. Beavers can be out sutting small sapplings for food and because a bear can out run a Beaver they hav learned to follow the beaver dams to access easy food.. They will also pull apart a Beaver hut to get into get the kittens.
When we use the parts of the carcass, we cut them up with a band saw into small pieces and place in bait barrel , if you leave a whole beaver at the site the big old bear will come along and take the one carcass , go away have a feast then he doesn’t need to return to site for couple days… Then we put top back on barel so it is not easy access to the bait.
Spring means Dandelions,
this is also another favorite food, the white mile in the dandelion stem is very sweet and the bears eat this to make their stomachs start to work in the spring… If you are in an area where there are lots of Dandelions the bears can stop coming to the baits for a couple of days while they are filling their bellies with Dandelions..
WE have a local First Nations Trapper who traps beaver , he gets the bounty of the tail , sells the stretched or raw beaver pelt and we pay him so this is another source of income for him.. We have known this fellow for a long time he has some great stories for us when we sit and have coffee. the hunters love to listen to his tails of the wilderness.
Big Grass Dogs
there is no shortage of dogs and treats at Big Grass when Tom is at home.. When Jazie is on her diet we have raw carrots for treats, and all the others have learned to enjoy them also.. Copper is grown in to a 75lb and Sammy is about the same weight but 8 months older than Copper.. the Real true Chesapeake really shows in the Oaky. But we luv them all.. Jasmine now 13 is showing her age but still goes for a walk each day.
Resident Whitetail girls on Stealth.
It never seems to amaze me where and when this family shows. I had no idea how often they travelled all my trails around our 60 acres if it wasnt for my Stealth cameras. Along the trails, across the garden, along the wood row I see signs of their presence. Even with our 3 Chessys out and about they are happy and look very relaxed walking just 100 yds past the garden.. a few tops off the carrots, and beets in the spring, the top of a corn cob nibbled in the fall but that is it…
Dog Training in the duck hunting field
how does a dog know its to pick up a bird? Sammy jo loves to retrieve A Ball A stick a Boot, however first time in field she marked all but didn’t like the feathers, however it wasnt long till that isn’t a problem. Copper however is a true bird dog, picks it up tail in air and away he goes.. It is just amazing what a fun day it is to see them work in the field.
Could you ask for a better lunch?
Do you cook you wild meat ? Fergies Duck Burritos and Smoked Crane, with 8 starving hunters, and the crock pot was empty in no time.
RECIPE: clean and prepare duck/goose breasts, slice into strips about 1 inch wide, marinate in Pepsi 8-10 hours, drain and pull apart with fork, add 8 oz BBQ sauce, 2 onions 6 tomatos, and some peppers, and any other veggies you may want… cook 6-8 hours. torilla shells, shredded cheese of any kind, some people prefer a little heat so add some hot sauce. its all up to your taste buds.. Enjoy>