Manitoba Winter

How do you stay warm in Manitoba Winter?


Honey its cold out


More Peanut butter needed!~


frosty windows

We get asked it all the time. -25C was the warmest time of the day that day, Wind was blowing 30-40mph, Do you worry about the wind chill?   Dress warm for cold temps, skin and fingers exposed freeze in a few minutes.  Mother Nature draws awesome pictures on windows that are not thermopane.

We continuously feed the wild animals so they don’t freeze,  song birds at the feeder get peanut butter and black sunflowers high in protein for their little bodies to stay warm. Pets stay in the house or heated kennels on bad days but most of our farm animals endure the temps but need extra food to keep their bodies warm.. a Good shelter belt to get out of the wind is much needed.

Are you on the highways? have a Storm kit in the vehicle for safety.  Vehicles should have winter fronts on to keep temps in motor and in cab while driving.  Manitoba Vehicles are equipped with Block heaters to plug in and keep motors warm for easier starting. make sure you drive with the fuel tank above 1/2 not below incase of road conditions changing quickly..  Manitoba has winter driving regs which you must have winter tires on your vehicle before and after certain dates to prevent more accidents.

Bear hunting in Manitba


stc_0079stc_0106Would you take either of these bears? Bear pops are high in Manitoba, little black is feeding at the apples and oat barrel out back and the nice blonde was at the yard in spring. However too bad he  wouldnt stay away from local farmers dog dish so he was put down.. He would of made a beauty in a few years.  Locals can protect their farms and animals from predators.

Baiting bears at Big Grass

IMG_5729IMG_5731Beavers is the main food of a Bear in the Spring prior to grass turning green, the beaver may be out cutting trees or the bear will dig into a beaver hut to access the beaver kits for food.. We are lucky to know Elzivar who traps fur in the winter and spring. Just the other day he called to say he had a bunch and would like to bring them over as he doesnot have a deep freezer and temps outside are rising.  here are 20 carcasses he bought over, and he will continue to trap till we arrive in the area for our spring bear hunt. We chop the beaver in pieces and wire the pieces to the so bear will have to work away at trying to release it to eat it..This gives the hunter time to determine how big the bear is and to get a good killing shot. We also use oats and grease for bait along with meat scraps, sweets and a scent control to spray hopfully covering the scent of the hunter in the tree, plus this scent is an attractant.