Stealth trail camera

moose magpie doeOver the summer the Stealth has captured some awesome pics of what is happening out on the back 40.   This Big old Bull moose in late September rubbing his horns on the small willows at the beginning of the Rut..  After a crazy windy day in Manitoba a tree was blown over to fall in view and this sassy Magpie spent a lot of time in view. then the capture of this lone coyote while Sassy was on the branch… And earlier in the summer this doe checks to see who else is visiting the area…

Clean trucks in Manitoba for Big Grass


Woweee and we have clean vehicles.. Dodge Ram was caked with mud on the under side , wheelwells and all over… Our last days of hunting were wet and the Mud seemed to STICK…  But now Tom has it all Cleaned up!

Limits of Frozen Canadas and ducks

cooler duckfr frozen gbrfr

From the field to the freezer and Home, Hunters take back their limits of Canadians and Ducks for processing at their homes. Here are frozen breasted out Canadians and ducks which have a wing left on for Identification when travelling across the border. Then they can remove the wing and pace to freezer for use in making Orange duck casserole, duck breast in Mushroom gravy and many other favorite recipes of the regular Joe hunter. Our Bird man Warren is well trained in Birdcleaning.