I shot a Wolf in Manitoba

Wolf hunting in Manitoba many years ago it was not unheard of to see a wolf roaming threw a whitetail area of Manitoba

Have you ever had the opportunity to put the scope to a Wolf?

Wow what a rush! something I didnt know I would ever have chance to do.   While sitting in a Deer stand back in 2000 after our deer hunt was over. I was seeing a lot of tracks during the deer season and thought Id take a day and see what I could see.  Well -20F clear evening,  just a dusk that evening off in the distance the wolves were calling,  I was enjoying the scenes and saw a movement off to the right in the distance.

Patiently not moving a muscle just minutes later Wow there is a Wolf, because of earlier movement I was prepared and I squeezed the trigger of my 250 and down he went not another step… my heart beating so fast.  Out of the blind and down to see the trophy I had just harvested…   In Manitoba a Resident does not need a special license but a trapping license or an open Big Game tag which I had not shot a deer earlier…

now the long trek back to the truck up out of the valley but the adrenaline still pumping got the job done..

Fathers day in Manitoba

mans work is nevver done

garden chores

Tom is the gardener and spending fathers day at home was great He took time for the puppies relaxing and a good cool drink Big Grass offers him 2 lives trucking and outfitting and life in general

refreshing drink

his chessys

his chessys

a good day

a good day

Big Grass Lady Bear hunters

lady hunter shots a bear

Nicole rocks

lady hunter shoots a bear

Jess blasts


 Women are True Marksmen    Women hunters are a pleasure to guide during a Black Bear hunt.. Precision is a must, a good kill is a priority. Jess is a seasoned hunter looking for a big Bucket head in 2018.  Nicole is amazed how a snap of a twig and he was standing in the site, and she waited for a good shot.  Safety off and deep breathe and she pulls the trigger.

Big Grass has guided many Ladies in camp and we make special plans if we have booked a Lady.  The anticipation of a bear entering the site shows on a ladies face by the width of the smile when you arrive after the Bear is dead. Detail is ignited with the replay when telling the story of her hunt.  Lady hunters young and old are always welcome to Camp.

Dog Training in the duck hunting field

img_9300img_9175img_9130how does a dog know its to pick up a bird? Sammy jo loves to retrieve A Ball A stick a Boot, however first time in field she marked all but didn’t like the feathers, however it wasnt long till that isn’t a problem.  Copper however is a true bird dog, picks it up tail in air and away he goes.. It is just amazing what a fun day it is to see them work in the field.

Fancy Pants in the blind on a Manitoba Honker Hunt


Do Have time to take a Kid hunting on Sunday morning on  “a Red neck hunt”?

We luv to hunt with our grand son Vincent and his buddies and our friends.. Scouting, setting decs, and then hunting, cleaning the birds and lunch make MeMories.  Never is there a chance goes by if we have a call to hunt does Tom refuse to get in a blind with any of local fellows..   Our equipment offers young fellows more opporturnity and plus we LUV TO HUNT!!

Stealth camera


P12_T_TIME=4410,FG=442499072,FT=-1532821504,NIR=1,GM=0,CDS = 2,CT=1,EV=128,TY=59,PY=92,DY=26,GB=0x19,NY=160,AE(0,0,0,640,480),1

Just  checked the Stealth camera out back and Wow not bad for my little food plot. Manitoba whitetail in velvet, a bowhunters dream do you think you”d take these?

Jewelry for Dave M,


Another band for Dave of Wy. the group of 3 hunters return each year and now again Dave is lucky to be the one to put down this Cackler banded in Inuvit,  That is where most Cacklers stage in summer and are banded there.