When it’s winter and temps are great the snowshoes come out and I try to burn some calories off! But many hours are spent marketing, preps for next season and talking !, yup I am the Voice remember!😂😂
Days at Big Grass
California goose hunting
Our friend Jason who lives in California sends a few pics of his hunting… Who would thing this was hunting season with temps in the 75F, Good goose hunting is always 40F its hard to understand location and seasons. Worst thing is the south gets all these good plummed birds and awesome colors and we see the poor off colored ones but they still make good jerky and are a whale of a time of whackin and stacking… our season runs end of September threw till 21 of October is when Big Grass is in the field doing our thing..
Sitting in the Rain in Manitoba
Nick is definition of a good hunter. Pouring rain 2 nights sitting in a tree stand which is not ground height as his wife had thought.. but physio climbing was great for a cracked shoulder. He passed on many bear and took a few walleye, has memories to reminisce of a Black bear hunt in Manitoba.
Colorphase bears in Manitoba at Big Grass Outfitters
HE said only One!
Well his 4th trip and he gets the Color phase he was wanting 2 years ago. 7pm May 28 with his Hoyt in hand, and Rage Broad heads he nails this trophy while standing in the stand in Manitoba. Jeff has done the time and has taken good bears while hunting with Big Grass. Hes passed on some took a good bear to then watch a monster come in later.
Does he need any more?
Not likely but once you have harvested one Bear it is like a disease you want to harvest another. When you are not in the stand and time allows we take time to sit at the Lake of the Prairies to do some fishing.. Here he pulled in a Northern Pike on Johns Rod and even smiled for the picture.
Activity at the baits weas good Old fuzzy butt attended regularly filling his belly on Big Grass Oats and Grease and the tastey beaver bait. We hope he gains lots of weight so someone can see him this fall.
Manitoba black bear baiting
Time for walleye fishing in Manitoba
Feeding Birds in Manitoba in the spring
Every winter Judy spends hours sitting at the window by the bird feeder. We take time in the morning to see what is coming Blue jays, siskins, chickadees, Downy and Hairy woodpeckers, nuthatches, Red poles, Grosbeks Evening and Pine. Now spring is in the air, many have left, Grosbeks are gone and we are seeing the odd Ruffy grouse scouting past the feeder. on the left this Ruffy roaster struts his stuff trying to attrack a girl in the area. Canadian geese are sitting out back clucking away trying to impress their partner and beginnings of making nests have begun. we put a couple bales out back on the big slough for the geese to make nests on. hopefully I can use digital camera and get some good shots of the gosslings.
Taxidermy at Holman”s in Brandon
I visited Scott the other day, he was in the middle of mounting a caribou shoulder mount. measure horns and hide, Tan the hide, order and prep the form, tan the velvet horns, mount the horns to the form, eyes mounted and then the hide. In total it likely takes a few hours to place and glue and sew the hide onto the form, then setting hide to make sure it looks lifelike, Total hours likely 25 hours from start to finish atleast. Someone who takes the time, uses references, and takes pride in their work, plus experience does a great job… Scott has lots of experience and does a good job.. Some people want to skimp on the price of the mount however, you just spend 3-5 thousand on the hunt, $1500 gun and scope, flight, and you want to skimp on the only thing you can actually touch after it is all said and done… I do believe the Taxidermy is very high on the list in the completion of the hunt.
Manitoba Ice fishing season
Time is running out , temperatures are rising and March is slipping away. Forecast states temps to the low 40F by mid week, so we chose to take our shack off before we turned it into a pontoon boat.. lol.. Tom has it set up just to just hook it up, turn jacks, drop wheels and away we go. over all the water levels of the Lake have dropped over 12 feet by looks of the shore. We had no problems getting up the ridge and onto road off the lake which was GREAT> Judy is a little stressed when it is her job to remove the shack.. Sammy and Jazzy got to go for a ride and all were happy…