Cabela’s Green bay Wis

Green Bay Wis,

at the show

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Days at Big Grass

Days At Big Grass Days At Big Grass Days At Big GrassWhen it’s winter and temps are great the snowshoes come out and I try to burn some calories off! But many hours are spent marketing, preps for next season and talking !, yup I am the Voice remember!😂😂

I shot a Wolf in Manitoba

Wolf hunting in Manitoba many years ago it was not unheard of to see a wolf roaming threw a whitetail area of Manitoba

Have you ever had the opportunity to put the scope to a Wolf?

Wow what a rush! something I didnt know I would ever have chance to do.   While sitting in a Deer stand back in 2000 after our deer hunt was over. I was seeing a lot of tracks during the deer season and thought Id take a day and see what I could see.  Well -20F clear evening,  just a dusk that evening off in the distance the wolves were calling,  I was enjoying the scenes and saw a movement off to the right in the distance.

Patiently not moving a muscle just minutes later Wow there is a Wolf, because of earlier movement I was prepared and I squeezed the trigger of my 250 and down he went not another step… my heart beating so fast.  Out of the blind and down to see the trophy I had just harvested…   In Manitoba a Resident does not need a special license but a trapping license or an open Big Game tag which I had not shot a deer earlier…

now the long trek back to the truck up out of the valley but the adrenaline still pumping got the job done..

Fathers day in Manitoba

mans work is nevver done

garden chores

Tom is the gardener and spending fathers day at home was great He took time for the puppies relaxing and a good cool drink Big Grass offers him 2 lives trucking and outfitting and life in general

refreshing drink

his chessys

his chessys

a good day

a good day

Chessy Male retreiver and guard and Family.


male chessy

proud Oaky

3 weeks Copper is the dad from Oaklahoma HIckory Creek Kennels.  a Great dog gentle big aggressive in the field, protective. and Spoiled. 

For sale: Chessy Pups, pure bred Mom from Bylo Farms Sask. Male out of Hickory Creek Kennels Oklahoma.

6 females  unsold 2 males are sold.

Colorphase bears in Manitoba at Big Grass Outfitters


Jeff Sticks a Trophy

HE said only One!

Well his 4th trip and he gets the Color phase he was wanting 2 years ago.  7pm May 28 with his Hoyt in hand, and Rage Broad heads he nails this trophy while standing in the stand in Manitoba.  Jeff has done the time and has taken good bears while hunting with Big Grass. Hes passed on some took a good bear to then watch a monster come in later.

Does he need any more?

Not likely but once you have harvested one Bear it is like a disease you want to harvest another.  When you are not in the stand and time allows we take time to sit at the Lake of the Prairies to do some fishing..  Here he pulled in a Northern Pike on Johns Rod and even smiled for the picture.

Activity at the baits weas good Old fuzzy butt attended regularly filling his belly on Big Grass Oats and Grease and the tastey beaver bait. We hope he gains lots of weight so someone can see him this fall.

Walleye fishing

Good fishing

smaller black bear

fuzzy butt bear

Colorphase bear

Colorphase Bear

Big Grass Big Black Bear

Big Bears

Big Grass Big Bear

Buddy nails this 6 ft monster with his Kimber 30-06.  He watched a sow and cubs Wednesday nite and listened to a Ruffy Grouse do the mating call all evening withing 20 yds behind the stand.

Night four to the  Park stand to have a doe walk near bottom of stand  by 530.  Wow I thought I was Bear hunting! he says…   730 2 young bear arrive to check out the menu at Big Grass…   Patience she Says!  A Big Boar!!   Do you believe everything an Outfitter says? well Buddy was Patient and and hour later he Rocked this Bruin…  just minutes after pulling the trigger he heard the death moan. Wow what a Rush!!

Then the next Rush begins.

Llooking for the bear  its almost dark.    Wow there it is, Chris has no problem locating it about 60 yards from the bait, huge trees laying down it was a jungle back there.. A tarp to wrap it in and start to Tug!

thank gosh for mobiles  JUdy Harley HELP!!  and they arrive, with the Wolverine wiggle closer winch out and pull that Big Bruin back to the bait.. Winch it up in the box and 6 guys just barely got the the box tipped, heading home for the Glory and to retell the story!

sow and cubs

new born cubs at the bait

young bears

bears eat at the baitsight

marking his territory




Manitoba Spring bear Yahoo!!!

imageimageFrench fri grease for grease pads, oats and grease in barrels, fresh scent in the air, as an attractant, and a pile of fresh meat scraps to spread the word that the Diner is open at Big Grass. Every year we dump gallons of oil and pounds of meat for the Bears offering a good reason for those huge Bruins to frequent the bait sights giving our hunters a opportunity of a good Manitoba Trophy.

Spring Black Bear baiting

imageimageimageBear baiting done. Wow snow, water, mud, dust, sun, clouds, rain, wind  all in one day. You never know what kinda day you might hav in the woods.  But great part of spring bear baiting was the frost was still on the ground in the spruce swamps which made the Job much easier.  A little sign showed but not much, with temps freezing most nights the bears are not really moving and looking for food.