Honkers Down in Manitoba


Can he shoot thoseHonkers? Will he smirk when they hit the ground? Big old honkers who eat a lot of grain in the local farmers fields are the birds that hit the hardest.. Jason luvs to hunt anything that flys.. Thats why those Cranes made him smirk when they swung a little close to his spread one morning.

Stealth camera


P12_T_TIME=4410,FG=442499072,FT=-1532821504,NIR=1,GM=0,CDS = 2,CT=1,EV=128,TY=59,PY=92,DY=26,GB=0x19,NY=160,AE(0,0,0,640,480),1

Just  checked the Stealth camera out back and Wow not bad for my little food plot. Manitoba whitetail in velvet, a bowhunters dream do you think you”d take these?

Bear hunting in Manitba


stc_0079stc_0106Would you take either of these bears? Bear pops are high in Manitoba, little black is feeding at the apples and oat barrel out back and the nice blonde was at the yard in spring. However too bad he  wouldnt stay away from local farmers dog dish so he was put down.. He would of made a beauty in a few years.  Locals can protect their farms and animals from predators.

Kevin B Mi whacks a black bear


First time to camp but an experienced Black bear hunter, Kevin nails this Black and the bullet did its job! he watches 6 others after taking his bear and the last was the largest. Way to go Kevin!

Stealth sees everyone !


D65IR_V075.D00031.062__FG=10000,FT=166624,NIR=0,GM=2,  EV=66,PY=9,DY=40,GB=0x80,SG=0x74,EL=3092,AEY=0,AEM=0,AEW=160,AEH=320

Stealth captures awesome photos day and night, here a young doe is watching something, and a big old bruin is visiting our dead beasty pit, We had only seen a couple of foot prints in the spring, but he has now returned.  we have watched a small bear each year and if this is same bear it is likely 10 yrs now and likely weighing up in that 350-500 this fall… HOW Ever not baits here at the lodge..

Manitoba has great wildlife


P18_T_FG=1000,FT=12729,NIR=1,GM=41,CT=160,EV=29,TY=98,PY=101,DY=41,GB=0x80,NY=0,AE(0,0,640,480,1),0D65IR_V075.D00031.062__FG=1000,FT=5550,NIR=1,GM=41, EV=23,PY=29,DY=66,GB=0x80,SG=0x0,EL=103,AEY=249,AEM=1,AEW=640,AEH=480Whose out on the back 40 acres when we are not around, a nice young moose coming and going at his leisure, and this little buck,  Ive been seeing a huge print across the garden but he will not show his face to a camera…

Time for walleye fishing in Manitoba

IMG_8057 IMG_8064 IMG_8138 IMG_8131An evening at the Assiniboine River, a day on the Lake of the Prairies and some great walleye eating at Big Grass Outfitters,  but no worries we hope to have a fish fry this fall when hunters are here.  |It was nice to be in the boat on a nice day.

Rain makes happy Duck hunters

IMG_7951 IMG_7831 IMG_7830lots of rain this summer including some areas got hit hard with hail, high winds, and tornado sightings and touch downs. Angry clouds but make awesome photo taking over the summer.. but ponds are full and lots of spots in fields are holding water for ducks!

Fresh produce at Big Grass Outfitters

IMG_7825 IMG_7803 IMG_7966

There is no shortage of veggetables, and wild fruit for to be put away for later. SAskatoons for Crisps for desert after a hunt , Raspberry jam for the toast in the morning or on fresh biscuits, and potatoes to go with Roast turkey or Beef for the hearty meal before bed.

Big Grass menu for hunting season.

IMG_7647Fresh strawberries from the patch at Big Grass. The Market Garden out past the Lodge produces some great produce to turn into yummy food for while the Hunters are here..

Jessica learns to make Strawberry jam.

Jessica learns to make Strawberry jam.

imagethen to top the afternoon off Sticky Buns.. a favourite to all the hunters and her Dad and Brother. Grandpa Tom and anyone who arrives..  She loves to bake so it is a great help to Judy when Jessica arrives for the day.